Film by Wheeler student selected for Youth Filmmaker Showcase in Providence Children’s Film Festival
February 5, 2020
What do Oreo cookies, quantum physics’ string theory, and time travel have in common? All are part of a film by Wheeler junior Alex Michaud that has been selected for the upcoming Providence Children’s Film Festival, February 14-23.
Michaud’s film “CREAMED” will be featured in the Youth Filmmaker Showcases February 21 and 23 which celebrate the artistic talents of youth from ages 7 to 17 from Rhode Island and around the world. This juried show of local, national and international films by young filmmakers includes opportunities for these artists to share their vision and discuss their inspiration and production challenges.
As President of the Wheeler Film Club, Michaud said he created his first video as part of the Wheeler 6th Grade Farm Program, later creating several YouTube channels as well as taking Wheeler School Broadcasting film and video courses and spending time at the School of Creative and Performing Arts summer program in Burlington, VT. Michaud said he came up with the concept of his festival selection film while on a Wheeler global education trip to Iceland.
To learn more about this year’s Providence Children’s Film Festival and scheduled times for the Youth Filmmaker Showcase, visit the PCFF website.
Michaud is currently at work on a Wheeler Aerie Approach Independent Study for Advanced Video Broadcasting based on the wildly-popular Upper School annual Spoon Game Challenge.